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World of Warcraft is lots of fun and has many great features, but there are always improvements that can be made. The following features are ones I personally think would make World of Warcraft even more enjoyable.

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Sköpun: 20/06/2011 12:10
Uppfæra: 20/06/2011 12:12
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Gr: New Four Features in World of Warcraft - 20/06/2011 12:12

World of Warcraft is lots of fun and has many amazing features, but there are always improvements which could be made. The following features are ones I personally think would make World of Warcraft even more enjoyable.

Player and Guild Housing
Player and Guild real estate is a common feature found in many MMORPGs, but surprisingly it has not been additional to World of Warcraft(wow gold ( The only reason I can think of as to why they haven't is because of the additional load it will put on the servers. this really is because they would must make each house instanced as there can be no method to possess them out in the available world.

AOE Looting
A feature found in the new MMORPG Rift, which lets you loot every corpse in a certain radius around the corpse you loot. This can be specially amazing when running through older dungeons, since what takes the longest when soloing older low level dungeons is looting everything. This feature would most likely be hard to implement, however, as they would must rewrite a whole lot of the code. Regardless, it will still be awesome to have.

Dungeons/Instanced content material for Solo/Duo/Trio
It can be good to possess some dungeons that could be finished by one, two, or three people instead of having to obtain a full group of five. The Random Dungeon Finder tool definitely assists with finding groups to do dungeons, but queue instances of 45 minutes or even more for DPS characters can still be a pain. These smaller dungeons would of course must offer less loot compared to normal dungeons so that players would still want to run the full size dungeons. This can be a good option to possess for players that are unwilling or unable to wait around 45 minutes to obtain a group and then another hour or even more to really run the dungeon.

Computer Controlled Mercenaries
Somewhat associated to the final feature, they could add hireable NPC mercenaries similar to Guild Wars to fill out your dungeon group in lieu of random people. it will titan gold ( certainly be challenging to make the NPC AI fine enough to fill important roles, but it will still likely be better than a few of the really terrible players which i and many other people have experienced the misfortune of grouping with in the past. There can also be the option of making the mercenaries semi-controllable like a pet as was done in a few of the quests additional in Cataclysm.